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Server Administrator A.S. Degree

This degree is designed for networking professionals who want to manage the components of a network system, based on the Microsoft Windows platform and Microsoft server software, on an ongoing basis; monitor and optimize the components of a network system; and diagnose and resolve problems regarding the components of a network system.  

Total Units:

First Year

Semester 1

14-15 Units
Course Units Pre-Reqs^ Semesters Offered* GE Area
CISC 310
Introduction to Computer Information Science
Advisory: BUSTEC 302
F(O,P), S(O), Su(O)
CRC Area II(b) or III(b)
STAT 300 1
Introduction to Probability and Statistics or
MATH 120 or 125
F, S, Su(O)
CRC Area II(b)
MATH 341 1
Calculus for Business and Economics or
MATH 120
F, S, Su
CRC Area II(b)
MATH 343 1
Modern Business Mathematics or
MATH 120
Check Class Schedule for offering
CRC Area II(b)
MATH 400 1
Calculus I
MATH 370
F, S, Su
CRC Area II(b)
CRC Area II(a)-Writing Competency
Recommend meeting with a counselor
F, S, Su
CRC Area II(a)
CRC Area I-Humanities
F, S, su
CRC Area I
CRC Area III(a)-Physical Edu Activity
F, S, Su
CRC Area III(a)

1 Seek advice from our counselor for the most suitable course to enroll in.

Semester 2

18 Units
Course Units Pre-Reqs^ Semesters Offered* GE Area
CISN 300
Network Systems Administration
Advisory: CISC 310
S(O), Su(O)
CISN 304
Networking Technologies
Advisory: CISC 310
F(P), S(O)
CISS 310
Network Security Fundamentals
Advisory: CISN 300 & 304
F(O), S(O), Su(O)
CRC Area V(a)-American Institutions
F, S, Su
CRC Area V(a)
CRC Area V(b)-Social & Behavioral Sciences
F, S, Su
CRC Area V(b)
CRC Area IV-Natural Sciences
F, S, Su

Year 2

Semester 3

14-17 Units
Course Units Pre-Reqs^ Semesters Offered* GE Area
CISN 302
Intermediate Network Systems Administration
CISN 300
CISC 360
Information & Communication Technology Essentials (A+)
Advisory: CISC 301 & 310
F(P), S(P)
CISS 310
Network Security Fundamentals
Advisory: CISN 300 & 304
F(O), S(O), Su(O)
CISC 498
Work Experience in Computer Information Science - Core
F(O,P), S(O), Su(O)
3 units from List A
See List A
See List A

Semester 4

18-19.5 Units
Course Units Pre-Reqs^ Semesters Offered* GE Area
CISN 306
Advanced Network Systems Administration
CISN 302
CISN 304
Networking Technologies or
Advisory: CISC 310
F(P), S(O)
CISN 341
CISCO Networking Academy (CCNA)tm: Networking Theory and Routing Technologies
Co-req: CISN 304
3 units from List A
See List A
See List A
CISN 303 1
Network Administration - Linux Server
CISC 360 & CISN 304
Check Class Schedule for offering
CISP 370
Beginning Visual Basic or
CISC 310 or CISP 300
CRC Area II(b)
CISS 321
Scripting for Cyber Security
CISN 341 & CISS 315
Check Class Schedule for offering
CRC Area VI-Ethnic/Multicultural Studies
F, S, Su

^You must have passed the prerequisite course(s) with a ā€œCā€ or better; Corequisite must be taken during the same semester; Advisory means it is recommended but not required to enroll in the course.

*(O) = Online available, (P) = Partially online

1 or CISN 301, co-req: CISC 323 & 356; Advisory: CISC 302, 308, or 310.

List A-a minimum of 9 units from the following (see note on right):

Course Units Pre-Reqs^ Semesters Offered* GE Area
CISS 315
Ethical Hacking
CISS 310; Advisory: CISS 300
Check Class Schedule for offering
CISS 316
Cisco Networking Academy???????: CCNA Cybersecurity Operations
Advisory: CISN 304 & CISS 310
Check Class Schedule for offering
CISS 327
Cisco Networking Academy???????: CCNA Security: Implementing Network Security
Advisory: CISN 304 & CISS 341
Check Class Schedule for offering
CISS 350
Disaster Recovery
CISS 310
CISS 353
Management of Information Security
CISS 310
Check Class Schedule for offering
CISS 360
Computer Forensics and Investigation
CISS 310; Advisory: CISC 308

Career Options/Outlook:

Network & Computer System Administrators install, configure, and support an organization\'s local area network (LAN), wide area network (WAN), and Internet systems or a segment of a network system. Monitor network to ensure network availability to all system users and may perform necessary maintenance to support network availability. May supervise computer user support specialists and computer network support specialists. May administer network security measures. Career opportunities may require more than an associate degree.

A sample of reported job titles:

Information Analyst, Information Systems Manager (IS Manager), Information Technology Specialist (IT Specialist), LAN Specialist (Local Area Network Specialist), Local Area Network Administrator (LAN Administrator), Network Administrator, Network Coordinator, Network Manager, Network Specialist, Systems Administrator

Projected job openings in California (2018-2028):


Projected growth in California (2018-2028):

Average (6%)

Median Salary in California (2019):

Median wage with advanced degree: $95,160/yr

Honors option:

The CRC Honors Program is designed specifically for academically accomplished students and for students with the potential for high achievement. Students who complete 15 units or more in honors-designated courses will earn special recognition as an Honors Scholar, a distinction that may entitle the student to guaranteed transfer and scholarship opportunities at select transfer colleges and universities.

Transfer notes:

Please meet with a counselor for specific transfer course evaluation or transferring to a specific 4-year institution.

General Education (GE):

Non-specified GE courses identified by CRC Area, CSU Area or IGETC Area without pre- or co-requisite can be taken at any semester.

About this map:

This program map represents one possible pathway to complete the program. Please see a counselor to create an education plan that is customized to meet your needs. This map is not a guarantee of course availability or financial aid applicability.

Additional program notes:

Students interested in Windows should take CISN 301, CISN 374, CISN 378, and CISS 341.  

Students interested in Linux should take CISN 303 and CISS 342.  

Students interested in security should take CISS 341 or 342, CISS 350, and CISS 360

Zero Textbook Costs (ZTC):

The Zero Textbook Costs designation and logo are added to any course that provides free access to all required instructional materials. These are typically shared with students through Canvas. Courses that are designated as ZTC may still require students to purchase supplemental materials such as lab coats, a calculator, art supplies, etc. See full definitions and searching tips on the Zero Textbook Costs page of the college website.

Catalog Year: 2021-2022

Published October 03, 2021

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