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CIS - Web Publishing Certificate

This certificate is designed to give students the benefits of hands-on training in Web Page Design and Publication, Internet usage, and proficiency with web-related media applications.  

Total Units:

First Year

Semester 1

7 Units
Course Units Pre-Reqs^ Semesters Offered*
CISW 300 Z
Web Publishing
Advisory: CISC 305
F(O,P), S(O,P), Su(O)
CISC 323
Linux Operating System or
F(O), S(O)
CISC 308 Z
Exploring Computer Environments and the Internet
F(O), S(O)
ART 301
Digital Drawing and Composition or
F, S, Su
Digital Design or
Advisory: ART 300, 320, CISC 302/JOUR 330
Digital Imaging
F, S
Z At least one section of this course is offered with free textbooks and is labeled as zero textbook costs (ZTC). If it is a GE area class or elective, there may be several ZTC offerings to fulfill the GE requirement. Use the Free Textbook filter to find these courses. Learn more on the ZTC page of the college website.

Semester 2

8 Units
Course Units Pre-Reqs^ Semesters Offered*
BUS 100 Z
English for the Professional
ENGRD 110 & ENGWR 51 or ESLR 320 & ESLW 320; Advisory: BUSTEC 302 & 303
F(O), S(O)
CISW 350
Imaging for the Web
Advisory: CISC 306 & SICW 300
1 units from List A
See List A
See List A
Z At least one section of this course is offered with free textbooks and is labeled as zero textbook costs (ZTC). If it is a GE area class or elective, there may be several ZTC offerings to fulfill the GE requirement. Use the Free Textbook filter to find these courses. Learn more on the ZTC page of the college website.

^You must have passed the prerequisite course(s) with a “C” or better; Corequisite must be taken during the same semester; Advisory means it is recommended but not required to enroll in the course.

*(O) = Online available, (P) = Partially online

List A-a minimum of 4 units from the following:

Course Units Pre-Reqs^ Semesters Offered*
CISA 340 Z
Presentation Graphics
Advisory: CISC 302 or 310
F(P), S(P)
CISC 306 Z
Introduction to Web Page Creation
CISC 305
F(P), S(O)
CISW 304 Z
Cascading Style Sheets
CISW 300
F(O), Su(O)
CISW 308 Z
Mobile Web Development
CISW 300; Advisory: CISW 304
F(O), Su(O)
CISW 308 Z
Mobile Web Development
CISW 300; Advisory CISW 304
F(O), Su(O)
CISW 310
Advanced Web Publishing
CISW 300
Check Class Schedule for offering
CISW 321
Web Site Development using Dreamweaver
Advisory: CISC 305
CISW 355
Web Imaging Projects
CISW 350
CISW 400 Z
Client-side Web Scripting
CISW 300
F(O), S(O)
CISW 410
Database-Driven Web Applications
CISW 300; Advisory: CISP 300 or CISW 310
Z At least one section of this course is offered with free textbooks and is labeled as zero textbook costs (ZTC). If it is a GE area class or elective, there may be several ZTC offerings to fulfill the GE requirement. Use the Free Textbook filter to find these courses. Learn more on the ZTC page of the college website.

Career Options/Outlook:

Web developers design, create, and modify web sites. Analyze user needs to implement Web site content, graphics, performance, and capacity. May integrate Web sites with other computer applications. May convert written, graphic, audio, and video components to compatible Web formats by using software designed to facilitate the creation of Web and multimedia content.  Career opportunities require more than two years of college study.

A sample of reported job titles:

Designer, Technology Applications Engineer, Web Architect, Web Design Specialist, Web Designer, Web Developer, Web Development Director, Web Development Instructor, Webmaster

Projected job openings in California (2020-2030):


Projected growth in California (2020-2030):

25% growth

Median Salary in California with advanced degree (2021):


Transfer notes:

Please meet with a counselor for specific transfer course evaluation or transferring to a specific 4-year institution.

About this map:

This program map represents one possible pathway to complete the program. Please see a counselor to create an education plan that is customized to meet your needs. This map is not a guarantee of course availability or financial aid applicability.

Zero Textbook Costs (ZTC):

The Zero Textbook Costs designation and logo are added to any course that provides free access to all required instructional materials. These are typically shared with students through Canvas. Courses that are designated as ZTC may still require students to purchase supplemental materials such as lab coats, a calculator, art supplies, etc. See full definitions and searching tips on the Zero Textbook Costs page of the college website.

Catalog Year: 2023-2024

Published May 15, 2023

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