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Spanish AA-T Degree - Non-Native Speaker-IGETC, Univ of Cal or Cal State Univ

This AA-T is designed to provide a seamless transfer pathway for students interested in pursuing at least one Spanish degree option in the CSU system.  

Total Units:

First Year

Semester 1

16-17 Units
Course Units Pre-Reqs^ Semesters Offered* GE Area
SPAN 401
Elementary Spanish
F, S, Su
IGETC Area 6
IGETC Area 1A-English Composition Z
Recommend meeting with a counselor
F, S, Su
IGETC Area 2-Math Concepts & Quantitative Reasoning Z
Recommend meeting with a counselor
F, S, Su
IGETC Area 2
IGETC Area 1C-Oral Communication Z
F, S, Su
Any Transferable Elective 1
F, S, Su
Z At least one section of this course is offered with free textbooks and is labeled as zero textbook costs (ZTC). If it is a GE area class or elective, there may be several ZTC offerings to fulfill the GE requirement. Use the Free Textbook filter to find these courses. Learn more on the ZTC page of the college website.

1 Units needed to total 60 units for graduation. Refer to Course Number for the appropriate course level necessary for the degree.

Semester 2

14 Units
Course Units Pre-Reqs^ Semesters Offered* GE Area
SPAN 402
Elementary Spanish
SPAN 401
F, S, Su
IGETC Area 6
IGETC Area 3A-Arts Z
F, S, Su
IGETC Area 1B-Critical Thinking Z
F, S, Su
IGETC Area 5A-Physical Science or 5B Life Science Z
F, S, Su
IGETC Area 5A or 5B
IGETC Area 5C-Biol/Phys Sci Lab Z
F, S, Su
Z At least one section of this course is offered with free textbooks and is labeled as zero textbook costs (ZTC). If it is a GE area class or elective, there may be several ZTC offerings to fulfill the GE requirement. Use the Free Textbook filter to find these courses. Learn more on the ZTC page of the college website.

Year 2

Semester 3

16 Units
Course Units Pre-Reqs^ Semesters Offered* GE Area
SPAN 411
Intermediate Spanish
SPAN 402
IGETC Area 3B or 6
HIST 373
History of Mexico
Advisory: Eligible for ENGWR 300
IGETC Area 4
Race and Ethnicity in Contemporary American Literature
Eligible for ENGWR 300
IGETC Area 5A-Physical Science or 5B-Life Science (which ever not taken in Semester 2) Z
F, S, Su
IGETC Area 5A or 5B
IGETC Area 4-Social & Behavioral Sciences Z
F, S, Su
IGETC Area 4
Z At least one section of this course is offered with free textbooks and is labeled as zero textbook costs (ZTC). If it is a GE area class or elective, there may be several ZTC offerings to fulfill the GE requirement. Use the Free Textbook filter to find these courses. Learn more on the ZTC page of the college website.

Semester 4

11 Units
Course Units Pre-Reqs^ Semesters Offered* GE Area
SPAN 412
Intermediate Spanish
SPAN 411
Check Class Schedule for offering
IGETC Area 3B or 6
IGETC Area 4-Social & Behavioral Sciences Z
F, S, Su
IGETC Area 4
IGETC Area 4-Social & Behavioral Sciences 1 Z
F, S, Su
IGETC Area 4
Any Transferable Elective 2
F, S, Su
Z At least one section of this course is offered with free textbooks and is labeled as zero textbook costs (ZTC). If it is a GE area class or elective, there may be several ZTC offerings to fulfill the GE requirement. Use the Free Textbook filter to find these courses. Learn more on the ZTC page of the college website.

^You must have passed the prerequisite course(s) with a “C” or better; Corequisite must be taken during the same semester; Advisory means it is recommended but not required to enroll in the course.

*(O) = online available  (P) = partially online

1 IGETC Area 4 if HIST 373 is not taken or Elective if HIST 373 was taken.

2 Unit needed to total 60 units for graduation. Refer to Course Number for the appropriate course level necessary for the degree.

Year 3

Semester 5

3 Units
Course Units Pre-Reqs^ Semesters Offered* GE Area
SPAN 427 1
Introduction to Spanish American Literature or
SPAN 412 or 415
F even year
SPAN 426 1
Introduction to Mexican American Literature
SPAN 412 or 415
S odd year

1 If HIST 373 is not taken

Career Options/Outlook:

The career can lead to interpreters &/or translators.  Tasks may include translating messages simultaneously or consecutively into specified languages orally, maintaining message content, context, and style as much as possible; listening to speakers’ statements to determine meanings and to prepare translations, using electronic listening systems as necessary; compiling terminology and information to be used in translations, including technical terms such as those for legal or medical material; reading written materials, such as legal documents, scientific works, or news reports, and rewriting material into specified languages. Career opportunities require more than an associate degree.

A sample of reported job titles:

Court Interpreter, Educational Interpreter, Interpreter, Medical Interpreter, Paraprofessional Interpreter, Spanish Interpreter, Technical Translator, Translator

Projected job openings in California (2020-2030):


Projected growth in California (2020-2030):

28% growth

Median Salary in California with advanced degree (2021):


Honors option:

The CRC Honors Program is designed specifically for academically accomplished students and for students with the potential for high achievement. Students who complete 15 units or more in honors-designated courses will earn special recognition as an Honors Scholar, a distinction that may entitle the student to guaranteed transfer and scholarship opportunities at select transfer colleges and universities.

Transfer notes:

Please meet with a counselor for specific transfer course evaluation or transferring to a specific 4-year institution.

General Education (GE):

Non-specified GE courses identified by CRC Area, CSU Area or IGETC Area without pre- or co-requisite can be taken at any semester.

About this program map:

This program map represents one possible pathway to complete the program. Please see a counselor to create an education plan customized to meet your needs. This map is not a guarantee of course availability or financial aid applicability.

Zero Textbook Costs (ZTC):

The Zero Textbook Costs designation and logo are added to any course that provides free access to all required instructional materials. These are typically shared with students through Canvas. Courses that are designated as ZTC may still require students to purchase supplemental materials such as lab coats, a calculator, art supplies, etc. See full definitions and searching tips on the Zero Textbook Costs page of the college website.

Catalog Year: 2023-2024

Published May 18, 2023

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