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This program is designed for students who want to enter a career path in wedding photography. Students will learn techniques to pose and work with models and clients, use strobe equipment and available lighting techniques, work with professionals in the field, and design their own portfolios. Business strategies, self-promotion, and workflow methods will also be covered.
Photographers use digital or film cameras and equipment to photograph people, landscapes, merchandise, or other subjects. May develop negatives or use computer software to produce finished images and prints. Includes scientific photographers, aerial photographers, and photojournalists. Career opportunities require more than an associate degree.
Advertising Photographer, Commercial Photographer, Newspaper Photographer, Owner/Photographer, Photo Editor, Photographer, Photojournalist, Portrait Photographer, Sports Photographer, Studio Owner
27% growth
Please meet with a counselor for specific transfer course evaluation or transferring to a specific 4-year institution.
This program map represents one possible pathway to complete the program. Please see a counselor to create an education plan customized to meet your needs. This map is not a guarantee of course availability or financial aid applicability.
The Zero Textbook Costs designation and logo are added to any course that provides free access to all required instructional materials. These are typically shared with students through Canvas. Courses that are designated as ZTC may still require students to purchase supplemental materials such as lab coats, a calculator, art supplies, etc. See full definitions and searching tips on the Zero Textbook Costs page of the college website.
Catalog Year: 2023-2024
Published May 18, 2023