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Medical Assisting A.S. Degree

The CRC Medical Assisting Program is designed to prepare competent entry-level medical assistants in the cognitive (knowledge), psychomotor (skills), and affective (behavior) learning domains.  Upon completion of the Certificate in Medical Assisting, students may take the CMA (AAMA) certification exam administered by the American Assoc. of Medical Assistants.

Total Units:

First Year

Semester 1-Program Pre-Req

11-12 Units
Course Units Pre-Reqs^ Semesters Offered* GE Area
AH 311 1 Z
Medical Language for Health-Care Providers
F(O), S(O), Su(O)
BIOL 102 2 Z
Essentials of Human Anatomy and Physiology or
F, S
BIOL 100 2 Z
Introduction to Concepts of Human Anatomy and Physiology
F(O), S, Su
BUS 100 3 Z
English for the Professional or
ESLR 320 & ESLR 320; Advisory BUSTEC 302 & 303
Check Class Schedule for offering
ENGWR 300 4 Z
College Composition
F(O), S, Su
CRC Area II(a)
CISC 302 Z
Computer Familiarization
F, S(O)
CRC Area III(b)
Z At least one section of this course is offered with free textbooks and is labeled as zero textbook costs (ZTC). If it is a GE area class or elective, there may be several ZTC offerings to fulfill the GE requirement. Use the Free Textbook filter to find these courses. Learn more on the ZTC page of the college website.

1 Formerly AH 110.

2 or BIOL 430 (5 units) and BIOL 431 (5 units).

3 or eligibility for ENGWR 300.

4 Suggested to meet Written Competency and CRC GE Area II(a).

Semester 2

14.5-15.5 Units
Course Units Pre-Reqs^ Semesters Offered* GE Area
MEDA 100 Z
Introduction to Medical Assisting
Advisory: ENGRD 110
F, S
PSYC 300 Z
General Principles
Advisory: ENGRD 310, ENGRD 312, ENGWR 300, or equivalent
F(O), S(O), Su(O)
CRC Area V(b)
CRC Area II(b)-Math Competency Z
Recommend meeting with a counselor
F, S, Su
CRC Area II(b)
CRC Area III(a)-Physical Edu Activity Z
F, S, Su
CRC Area III(a)
CRC Area V(a)-American Institutions Z
F, S, Su
CRC Area V(a)
Elective 1
F, S, Su
Z At least one section of this course is offered with free textbooks and is labeled as zero textbook costs (ZTC). If it is a GE area class or elective, there may be several ZTC offerings to fulfill the GE requirement. Use the Free Textbook filter to find these courses. Learn more on the ZTC page of the college website.

1 Units required are determined by the number of units needed to total 60 units for graduation. Refer to Course Number for the appropriate course level necessary for the degree.

Year 2 - Apply to MEDA Program by May 1

Semester 3

12 Units
Course Units Pre-Reqs^ Semesters Offered* GE Area
MEDA 124 Z
Administrative Medical Assisting
Acceptance to MEDA Program
MEDA 105 Z
General Medical Assisting
FCS 324 Z
Human Development: A Life Span or
F(O), S(O), Su
CRC Area III(b)
PSYC 371 1 Z
Life Span Developmental Psychology
CRC Area V(b)
CRC Area I-Humanities Z
F, S, Su
CRC Area I
Z At least one section of this course is offered with free textbooks and is labeled as zero textbook costs (ZTC). If it is a GE area class or elective, there may be several ZTC offerings to fulfill the GE requirement. Use the Free Textbook filter to find these courses. Learn more on the ZTC page of the college website.

1 PSYC 371 is a pre-req to MEDA 140.

Semester 4

13 Units
Course Units Pre-Reqs^ Semesters Offered* GE Area
AH 120 Z
Human Disease
Co-req or Pre-req: AH 110 & BIOL 100 or 102
F(O), S(O)
AH 124
Pharmacology for the Health Care Professional
F(O), S(O)
MEDA 230 Z
Clinical Procedures
MEDA 124; Co-req: AH 120 & 124
COMM 325 Z
Intercultural Communication or
Advisory: ENGWR 110
F, S
ANTH 313 Z
Introduction to Cultural Anthropology: Medical Focus
Eligible for ENGWR 300
S(O), Su
Z At least one section of this course is offered with free textbooks and is labeled as zero textbook costs (ZTC). If it is a GE area class or elective, there may be several ZTC offerings to fulfill the GE requirement. Use the Free Textbook filter to find these courses. Learn more on the ZTC page of the college website.

Semester 5

7-8 Units
Course Units Pre-Reqs^ Semesters Offered* GE Area
MEDA 140 Z
Medical Assisting Practicum
COMM 325, MEDA 230, PSYC 300 & PSYC 371
F, S, Su
Elective 1
F, S, Su
Elective 1
F, S, Su
Z At least one section of this course is offered with free textbooks and is labeled as zero textbook costs (ZTC). If it is a GE area class or elective, there may be several ZTC offerings to fulfill the GE requirement. Use the Free Textbook filter to find these courses. Learn more on the ZTC page of the college website.

^You must have passed the prerequisite course(s) with a “C” or better; Corequisite must be taken during the same semester; Advisory means it is recommended but not required to enroll in the course.

*(O) = online available (P) = partially online

1Units required are determined by the number of units needed to total 60 units for graduation. Refer to Course Number for the appropriate course level necessary for the degree.

Career Options/Outlook:

Medical Assistants perform administrative and certain clinical duties under the direction of a physician.  Administrative duties may include scheduling appointments, maintaining medical records, billing, and coding information for insurance purposes.  Clinical duties may include taking and recording vital signs and medical histories, preparing patients for examination, drawing blood, and administrating medications as directed by a physician.  

A sample of reported job titles:

Certified Medical Assistant (CMA), Chiropractor Assistant, Clinical Assistant, Doctor’s Assistant, Medical Assistant (MA), Medical Office Assistant, Ophthalmic Technician, Optometric Assistant, Optometric Technician, Registered Medical Assistant (RMA)

Projected job openings in California (2020-2030):


Projected growth in California (2020-2030):

20% growth

Median Salary in California (2021):


Transfer notes:

Please meet with a counselor for specific transfer course evaluation or transferring to a specific 4-year institution.

General Education (GE):

Non-specified GE courses identified by CRC Area, CSU Area or IGETC Area without pre- or co-requisite can be taken at any semester.

Honors option:

The CRC Honors Program is designed specifically for academically accomplished students and for students with the potential for high achievement. Students who complete 15 units or more in honors-designated courses will earn special recognition as an Honors Scholar, a distinction that may entitle the student to guaranteed transfer and scholarship opportunities at select transfer colleges and universities.

About this program map:

This program map represents one possible pathway to complete the program. Please see a counselor to create an education plan customized to meet your needs. This map is not a guarantee of course

availability or financial aid applicability.

This map meets the requirement for:

the Certificate of Achievement in Medical Assisting.

Enrollment Process

Eligible students are selected for the program according to the following steps:

·       Only students who meet the pre-enrollment requirements will be considered for the program.

·       Selection will be based on a random selection process, should the number of qualified applicants exceed available spaces in the program.

·       Accepted applicants will be notified by the Program Director by July 1.

·       Students will be required to perform a background and drug clearance or immunity to the following:  measles, rubella, rubeola, varicella, TDaP, and possible influenza.  Placement in a clinical location will be contingent upon the results of this screening.

Zero Textbook Costs (ZTC):

The Zero Textbook Costs designation and logo are added to any course that provides free access to all required instructional materials. These are typically shared with students through Canvas. Courses that are designated as ZTC may still require students to purchase supplemental materials such as lab coats, a calculator, art supplies, etc. See full definitions and searching tips on the Zero Textbook Costs page of the college website.

Catalog Year: 2023-2024

Published May 17, 2023

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