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CRC offers this certificate that includes a variety of courses that satisfy State of California prerequisites for Real Estate Salesperson and Real Estate Broker examinations.
Real Estate Sales Agents rent, buy or sell property for clients. Perform duties such as studying property listings, interviewing prospective clients, accompanying clients to property sites, discussing conditions of sale, and drawing up real estate contracts. Includes agents who represent buyers.
Associate Broker, Broker Associate, Broker in Charge, Real Estate Agent, Real Estate Broker, Real Estate Broker Associate, Real Estate Salesperson, Realtor, Sales Agent
8% growth
This program map represents one possible pathway to complete the program. Please see a counselor to create an education plan customized to meet your needs. This map is not a guarantee of course availability or financial aid applicability.
with questions regarding the requirements for the Real Estate Salesperson Examination and/or the requirement for the Real Estate Broker Examination.
The Zero Textbook Costs designation and logo are added to any course that provides free access to all required instructional materials. These are typically shared with students through Canvas. Courses that are designated as ZTC may still require students to purchase supplemental materials such as lab coats, a calculator, art supplies, etc. See full definitions and searching tips on the Zero Textbook Costs page of the college website.
Catalog Year: 2023-2024
Published May 18, 2023