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ESL Listening and Speaking for Academic and Workforce Preparation Certificate

This certificate of proficiency recognizes English language learners who have successfully completed coursework in ESL Learning & Speaking from the novice to low intermediate level.

Total Units:

First Year

Semester 1

3 Units
Course Units Pre-Reqs^ Semesters Offered*
Listening and Speaking for College Readiness
Check Class Schedule for offering

Semester 2

3 Units
Course Units Pre-Reqs^ Semesters Offered*
Listening, Speaking and Presentation Skills for College
Check Class Schedule for offering
Z At least one section of this course is offered with free textbooks and is labeled as zero textbook costs (ZTC). If it is a GE area class or elective, there may be several ZTC offerings to fulfill the GE requirement. Use the Free Textbook filter to find these courses. Learn more on the ZTC page of the college website.

Semester 3

3 Units
Course Units Pre-Reqs^ Semesters Offered*
The Basics of English Pronunciation
Check Class Schedule for offering

^You must have passed the prerequisite course(s) with a ā€œCā€ or better; Corequisite must be taken during the same semester; Advisory means it is recommended but not required to enroll in the course.

*(O) = online available (P) = partially online

ESL Program:

CRC offers a comprehensive ESL program with courses in grammar, listening/speaking, pronunciation, reading, and writing designed to provide the English language learner with the command of the English language necessary to pursue both transfer and vocational courses and enter the workforce. Students can enter with virtually no knowledge of English and progress to an extremely proficient level.

Please meet with a counselor

to review the "English as a Second Language Course Ladder" to determine a course-taking pattern best for you.

Zero Textbook Costs (ZTC):

The Zero Textbook Costs designation and logo are added to any course that provides free access to all required instructional materials. These are typically shared with students through Canvas. Courses that are designated as ZTC may still require students to purchase supplemental materials such as lab coats, a calculator, art supplies, etc. See full definitions and searching tips on the Zero Textbook Costs page of the college website.

Catalog Year: 2023-2024

Published May 17, 2023

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