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This program map represents one possible path for completing this program. Please see a counselor to create an educational plan that is customized to meet your needs. This path is not a guarantee of course availability or financial aid applicability.
Every effort has been made to ensure that what is listed in the SCC Program Paths are accurate. The courses, the course sequencing, and the programs are subject to change without notice by the administration of the Los Rios Community College District and Sacramento City College at the discretion of the district and Sacramento City College. Further, Sacramento City College reserves the right to amend any course or program.
Certificates of Achievement require a grade of "C" or better in each course with a minimum of 12 units completed at Sacramento City College.
*To be eligible for enrollment in the program, students must have 12 grade or equivalent as granted by the California State Department of Education.
*To enroll in this Program, students must meet the following criteria: BIOL 100 or BIOL 430 and 431 with a grade of "B" or better.
*To enroll in this program, students must have a cumulative GPA of 2.5 in the following courses, passing each course with a "C" or better: AH 311, EDUC 300 or PSYC 370, NUTRI 300 or 480 and PSYC 300 or 480.
Published November 19, 2024